- Wed, Feb 12@ 564-888-5498 Passcode 111-938Wednesday - 2/12/25 (6:00pm) @ 564-888-5498 Passcode 111-938
- Begins March 1The Salvation army- New for kids 3 - 6, If you want to just introduce them to the game or sign them up for the league
- Date and time is TBDgo to www.ralphs.com log into your accountRalphs Rewards cardholders simply, go to www.ralphs.com log into your account, search for Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church or code GA208 and click to enroll.

Holy Trinity Inglewood

3RD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY New Member Sunday Preacher: Deacon Jesse Barfield

DR MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR SUNDAY Preacher: Rev AunFrance Crosby

Holy Baptism Sunday Preacher: Rev Scott Adams

HTELC is a worshiping, learning, witnessing, and serving congregation that seeks to provide Christian care for one another and teach and mentor people of all generations, especially our children, including other congregations and spiritual leaders, in the Word and the Way Lord. As our Lord Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another, as I have love you”
(John 13:34)

Tithes, Offering & Donations
How you can donate and help OUR Church

God's people have always been characterized by giving, but the way they've given has changed over time. For example, people no longer bring goats, sheep, calves and grain to God as they did in the Old Testament. Giving money is simpler, cleaner and theologically sounder since Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice.
As the way that money is exchanged changes, we at HTELC are extending members a new way to offer their financial gifts to God.Anyone who would like to give to HTELC online is welcome to do so through our church website. The system makes it easy to quickly transfer money from a bank account or debit card to the church safely and securely. One-time gifts and recurring withdrawals can both be set up, and gifts can be given either to the church's general fund or a specific church project.
At HTELC , we'll continue to take an offering during the service for people who prefer to give by cash or check. For members who'd rather transfer money electronically, though, giving through the church website is an option.
Giving is an important aspect of the Christian life. After all, Luke records that Jesus himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). At HTELC , we want to encourage all members to pray about giving and give as God leads them. For those who prefer an online way to give, the church website now offers one. Feel free to set up an account and make an offering, or contact the church for help with giving through the site. Click the Direct Link below to sign up for online giving. Online Tithes & Offering


Shortest Month, But Not Always 28 Days – While February usually has 28 days, every four years during a leap year, it gets an extra day, making it 29 days long.